CAUTION: This article contains an unpopular argument that some bandwagon politicians may find disturbing.
In 2020, Australian death statistics show that men died 6 years younger than women (AIHW 2022).
That's funerals, coffins, undertakers, crying families, kids, partners, parents, grandparents, colleagues, friends.
Popular conversation today is underpinned by a message of equality...but death rates are a glaring disparity between men and women that never gets a mention,
If modern culture is so great for men, if men have this incredibly charmed life...why do they get 7.5% less? That's a discount that no-one wants.
For men under 65, heart disease and suicide remain the biggest killers. Two things that can be largely prevented.
I've spent a large portion of my life dancing across a mix of healthcare, tourism, pharmaceuticals, charity, corporate stress, small business, global giants, farming, modern ageing.
I've seen struggle street and the ego show at the top...
Men die early at all levels of society...period.
The problem is not men.
The problem is the pressure on men to live up to societal expectations and 200,000 years of genetic conditioning.
If we can't figure out how to change the: what it takes to be a man 'male narrative', then we're screwed.
More men will die in greater numbers, faster than before...
...and unless the status pressure on individuals and families shifts towards health and wellbeing...women and children will step into the same breach too.
History and DNA are not simply taps that can turned off on request...they take time...and affirmative action.
If we're serious about equality in life, start with the problems, not behaviours.
If we seek to put all men in the same bucket, then toxic, moronic, influential, motivational, counter-culture heroes like Andrew Tate will fill the void.
Sadly, while we're all out tearing down Will Smith for screwing up publicly, Tate is driving his own narrative, one that's far more deadly, purposeful and profitable.
Let's push for a new culture, a culture that supports a healthier, kinder, fitter, calmer, clearer, stronger, more confident, less stressed man...woman and child.
Let's be patient, let's use kindness and compassion that we so espouse as the virtues we seek in men...men brought up on a diet of toughness and independence.
Let's seriously change the game.
The Wellteam Global Challenge is at your service.
We're calling on leaders, companies, organisations, politicians, CEO's, people and culture leaders and all those out there who give a shit about men dying too early.
Take care out there and go well.
Wellteam Founder.
P.S. Commit to personal change and do Wellteam's Scorecard Tool today - it's FREE, you'll get a personal online instant report and join a custom program with a 14 day FREE trial. Don't just talk about change - live it.
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